Art Show
By Narmin Mustafa
On July 4th, 2021
At Gallery Azad Shawqi in Sulaimany
Curator: Avan Omar
Creating a library from materials that have already been thrown
and disposing of them properly. Reusing those things to become
an object or a book that could document or archiving the daily
life of the history of Sulaimany.

Narmin Mustafa
A contemporary visual artist, based in South Kurdistan.
Graduated from several places in her field during her study
such as the Institute of fine arts, the faculty of art and
holding Master of Visual Arts, she is a PhD candidate at the
University of Sulaimany.
The Performance
کرافت is a project that the audience are contributing to reuse
thrown materials to build a library or object that is a portion
of the library.
It is important to acknowledge that کرافت project is not artwork
regarding global worming but recycling and classifying the
society, through its trash as the main element. The artist had
overstated and explained through a comprehensive text. Narmin is
the mastermind of this performance as she had worked, planned,
and arranged for that years ago and it was for the first time
performed practically underground. The craft had added many
controversial points to Those people are working project.
Through the trash portions, you would see on the level of
society and our neighbourhoods from what they throw. It is easy
to distinguish and classify the groups by their stuff such as
boxes, cigarettes etc. Most of the thrown materials were
imported. So, the dialogue and the discourse were around a
consumption society and the consumers. The Provence has a huge
resource of natural treasures such as petrol etc, however, the
infrastructure has the lowest level and disorganized. A country
that relies on its petrol and humiliates to establish a proper
life for its citizens. These people are working project had a
privilege to have the Craft project on board to highlight this
The artist deals with the trash consciously and constantly,
almost experimented with this matter through her previous
projects. The advantage of کرافت was the audiences involved
actively, contribute to the performance. Furthermore,
anonymously, objects were putted in the titled shelves under the
name of neighbourhoods in Sulaimany. As an outcome, displayed
several times and many of them cited the objects that they did.
The steps of کرافت Project
After getting permission for this project to be at Azad Shawqi’s
Gallery in the Sulaimany main library. Furthermore, started to
collect the rubbish from various neighbourhoods randomly. As
well as the supposed shelves from the areas that sell the
secondhanded construction equipment. The shelves were four
pieces, made from metallic and switch panels sized 3 meters wide
and 1.80cm high. Expect one was longer 2.30 Meters. The idea
behind those shelves was to classify each section and labelled
by the name of the neighbourhood.
In the beginning, people who were notified to come to the
exhibition wait attended and then surprisingly, everyone
contributed to make a book or an object that they could choose.
First, we have distributed brochures, posters, and invitations
through social media. The 4th of July 2021 was the opening day.
The audience was attended and that was the second stage of the
performance. During their visit, they could make examples or see
examples that are being put on the shelf already. The shelves
have been classified by the neighbourhood names. So, everyone
was making a subject to her/his chosen neighbourhood. The
participants were bringing their objects and put them in
selected places. There was a map of the Sulaimany city been held
on the wall and a calendar for the due date. Each rubbish was
written the place that they came from. The project was starting
from 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM, conducted by the artist herself and then
the audience. The audience would visit the gallery and then see
the materials that were being collected at the gallery. Everyone
could make their book as they would like. At the gallery, there
was a proper atmosphere that creates for the audience more
relaxation and comfortableness. Beverages and nuts were provided
for everyone could stay further if they want to. There was
another big map been held on the wall. It was a description of
this project and its performance. Last but not least, used the
same method for invitation such as brochures and social media
invitation to give a chance for everyone to see the outcomes
closely. Another interesting stage came up for cleaning the
platform of the gallery. We've been notified to everyone that
that stuff won't be thrown up. As in consequences, the College
of the Fine Arts at the University of Sulaimany offered us to
keep those stuff and then becoming an ongoing project for one
year at the university
Thanks for those who were helping and contributing the project
especially: Shirwan Fatih, Sherko Hama Salih, Sherko Abas, Chya
jamal, Akam Shex Hadi, Reben Majid, Saman Jalal, Sakar Sliman,
Alan Rauf, Hemn Kakai, Rahel Jabar