Teamwork Members
This project was brought with the effort of these people and parties who voluntarily contributed in our project and made it possible.

Avan Omar
A Kurdish artist from South Kurdistan, based in The
Netherlands. Graduated from the College of Fine Arts,2004,
University of Sulaimani. Holding a master in the same
field in 2017, ArtEZ University, from The Netherlands.
Hence, studied at the Dutch Art Institute. Avan’s
experience and experimental life has an enthusiastic way
to analyse and hung the targets toward her audience. She
works on various materials and mediums for her concepts.
The body and its boundary with the environment is the
rockstar of her subjects, Been arranged many art projects
and recently curating a project named Those people are

Black Ace Company
Website Design & Development
Black Ace is a fast growing IT consulting and professional
services’ company formed by a dynamic and determined team
of IT professionals who have garnered rich experience in
providing customized and customer-centric solutions to
individuals and organizations across the region. Our
ambition will always be to see and seize new opportunities
that serve our clients and drive sustained business
performance for us over the long term. We strive to ensure
that our customers receive the highest level of expertise
and personalized services to advance their businesses.
Company's Website

Graphic DesignIt is an assassination that is run by a bunch of young ambitious people looking for creating art events, themes and exhibitions. Since 2020 focusing on emerging new, energetic and interesting characters through creating an appropriate environment. It is an effort toward professionality for putting the correct concepts in the right place. The Saatchi is a platform that spreads knowledge through sessions and workshops. Its goal is to generate a proper surface for explaining, creating potentiality and making the most effective gesture between the new generation. The Saatchi has its studio at the Culture and Tobacco Centre, Sulaimany.

Shirwan Fatih
Chya JamalSangar Abdulla
Hemn Kakai
Akam SHex Hadi
Hassan RasulProject Participants

Shirwan Fatih
Avan Omar
Narmin Mustafa
Marie-Andrée Pellerin
Shanya Ari
Peshraw Mohammed
Rebeen Majed
Rayan Yousif
Avan Sdiq
Hazha Kalid
Rozhgar Mahmood
Walid Omar
Shara Tahir
Seminar Presenter
Hozan Mahmood
Seminar Presenter