Art Show
By Various Artists
On July 3rd, 2021
At Gallery Kareem Chawshin in Sulaimany
Contributor of the project: Rayan Yousif, Tre Fatih, Shanya Ary,
Hazha Khalid
The first day of this show had contained two parts, the show itself and then an arranged discussion by some females. Five different works were presented at this show. Each work has been researched and arranged for by the artist however, at that stage the artists' names were removed to be totally anonymous, but all these five works were presented in the name of the group These People Are working. That works were a consequence of many sessions with those artists. As well, many workshops, face to face classes and open discussions had contributed to this project. Meanwhile, converging many other jobs together in one platform and randomly assessing was not easy work. All tried their best to access their goal
The works
The First Part:
The Fly:
A video art, that displays a woman face that has flies around
her face. The work depicts the relation between women and the
flies. The character defends her face with facial movement, do
not use her hand. Relevantly was a passive move against the
flies. The duration was three minutes and repeated consistently
during the show.
From there to there:
Another performance was like an event that has done by two
female characters. Two women carrying a rolled carpet 3x4 m in
the busiest place in Sulaimani from (Dara swtawaka) to the art
gallery in the middle of traditional Bazzar(Orzdi) . They were
put it on their shoulder until preceded their location. They
communicated with the citizens, all the worker and masculines.
They improvised so naturally and experimentally with the designs
of the road, the shops,wagons and cars as much as the people
around, until they had arrived at their destination. The whole
journey was documented by Hazha Khalid.
A video works. The millstone with written numbers on it, similar
to clock shape is spinning by a woman’s hand. The duration is
four minutes and is repeated constantly during the show.
Beautifulness requires its works:
An installation artwork made from the collected wax (hair
removes). It means that the females use to remove their body
hair. It had collected from beauty centres and specific places.
This installation was presented on the pedestal. The shape of
the work had changed all the time, it was a dynamic installation
due to the unstable shapes of the wax.
A performance of half-hour. Nine women have participated as a
part of this performance. The idea was pausing or standing as a
status during a duty such as putting threads in a needle,
cleaning the house, watering, washing dishes and laundry. All
the nine participants were acting one of this daily work that
they were chosen by themselves. During the whole 30 minutes they
all were still stand as a statue while they were showing house
The participants were: Lana Rafiq, Nwa Mahmood, Trifa Gharib,
Zhulia Farhad, Iman Yousif, Kale Hussain, Rayan Yousif, Hazha
Second part
As described above, after an hour of the show, the panel had
opened for the discussion. The female participants started to
exchange their experiences and highlight some issues and
challenges that may face them from time to time. The
presentation was simplified to be understood clearly.
This project was built to converge two different sects in the
society such as experts and ordinary citizens. Those two
characters were contributed strongly to enhancing the subject
that we have worked on. We have tried to manage as much as we
can to have a variety of ordinary people, from different
background in terms of age, education and occupation. Nowadays
women obligations in the local society have doubled. It is
overwhelming because of the two different areas that they have
been involved such as home and the works that they do outside
home. It has fewer professional developments with the time age.
It means the outcome of their effort has fewer achievements
compared with the actual time. Through the discussion of those
women who were invited to speak, lots of issues and subjects
came up which was pushed the audience to be strongly involved
with the discussion as well.
The contributors were:
Awara Xan:
A midwife, artist and sometimes political involvements. She had
a wonderful presentation that covered her majority of life
experiences through mentioned fields. During her speech, was
emphasized the balances that have been discussed by the others.
She had a joyful discourse that analysed the main lines for
caring for kids etc. It is a female duty in our society. She was
super proud of being a contributor to assist her son in
constructing a house. How she was labouring, carrying bricks and
supporting financially.
Nasreen Xan:
A taxi driver for the last four years in Sulaimany, Kurdistan
Region. It is an unusual job for females in a patriarchal
society. She has managed her house duties for evening and night
time but, the drive during the day. She believes that women have
more passion to deal with the job because men get irritated,
tired and bored easily. She has mentioned at the first stage
people were hesitating to be onboard with her because she is a
female. Nowadays, became familiar in society even men would be
onboard sometimes. Nasreen is happy with her occupation.
Ms Saza Adil :
A young single mother with her two kids. Saza had described the
tough moments that faces single parents. The community barriers
and rituals ban the freedoms. Plus, looking after the kids and
working for having an income is a huge challenge. She had
switched occupations many times such as design, makeups,
retailer and recently making pastry. Saza is proud of her
ability to non-give up and happy to do so.
Ms Shireen Ghani:
A taxi driver for the last four years in Sulaimany, Kurdistan A
chef for over thirteen years in many places. Although her
financial circumstance is good, however, she does this for
competency and joy. Shireen was saying when people give her
compliments this motivates her more to continue. She wants to
work and participate to improve the women situation in the
Ms Sameera Omer:
She is an accountant. Her story was slightly different,
Sameera’s mother was working in Tabaco factory. Due to the
family’s situation, and mother job Sameera had taken over the
home duties since a young age. These days she is an accountant
at a private school. At the end of the day, she does her house
job. Sameera made a simple question, why there is no equality
and equity between parents, how can this overwhelm the
unnecessary cultural rituals?
Curator: Avan Omar
Contributor of the project: Rayan Yousif, Tre Fatih, Shanya Ary,
Hazha Khalid
Thanks to those who help us constantly during
the show especially: Chenar Nzar, Bibak Ameer, Osman Ahmed,
Shirwan Fatih, Rozhgar Mahmood, Rebeen Majid, Shameran Fatah,
Chya Jamal, Trifa Garib, Avan Sdiq.